Master Bibin secured A+ in five subjects and A for English in the Kerala 12th Exam results

Today is a great day for all of us. You all may remember Master Bibinraj our first HOPE Scholarship beneficiary who has received the award from the hands of Dr. Babu Paul during our annual meet in Abu Dhabi. 

Master Bibin of High School (Govt. Aided.) Kottayam secured A+ in five subjects and A for English in the Kerala 12th Exam results declared today

Overall:95% and Subjects: 96%
Let us congratulate him along with his beloved parents and teachers for the exemplary performance. Considering his very challenging financial background, this is not a small achievement. Bibin studied at MGM HS Pampady (Govt. aided) up to 10th and he got A+ in all subjects for 10th.His sponsor and mentor, Mr. P.K Ashokan (1967 Electrical Batch) needs great appreciation for the support. He has also volunteered to support Bibin for future studies.